Day :
- nursing, nursing education
Session Introduction
Su Chen Yu
HungKuang University, Taiwan
Title: The impact of managerial competency of head nurses on the perceived occupational burn-out of nursing staff

Su ChenYu She is a Ph.D. student in the Ph.D. program at Hungkuang University and director of the Nursing Department at Kuang Tien General Hospital, specializing in critical care, nursing education, quality management, nursing administration and nursing information.
To explore the impact of the head nurse’s managerial competences (HNMC) on the occupational burn-out of staff. Background:Occupational burn-out was considered as an essential factor contributing to the staff’s leaving. However, little is known about the impact of HNMC on the occupational burn-out of staff. Method:A cross-sectional survey conducted in a teaching hospital in central Taiwan which has 603 nurses. Questionnaires inquiring perceived HNMC, personal burn-out (PBO) and work related burn-out (WBO) were filled out in a network form. Results:The respondents included 25 head nurses and 484 nurses. It was observed that 7 and 2 out of the 9 dimensions of HNMC respectively were significantly correlated with PBO and WBO scores in mild burn-out group. Conclusions:HNMC did have impact on the occupational burn-out of staffs in mild group, but not in moderate and severe ones.Implications for Nursing Management HNMC was essential for nurses in mild burn-out status. Crucial factors contribute to moderate and severe occupational burn-out requires would be the focus for further studies.
Manal E. Fareed
Menoufia University, Egypt
Title: Effect of perioperative protocol of care on clinical outcomes among patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft

Work as clinical instructor at the Higher Institute of Nursing - University of Menoufia in 1993 Appointed as Assistant Lecturer at the Higher Institute of Nursing - Menoufia University Appointed as a lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing - Menoufia University in 2006 Appointed as assistant professor at the Faculty of Nursing - Menoufia University in 2012 Appointed as assistant professor at the Faculty of Nursing - Menoufia University in 2012Vice Dean for Student Affairs in the academic year 2014-2015.Head of the Department of Internal Surgical Nursing Faculty of Nursing University of Menoufia during the academic year 2015/2016 - 2016/2017. Obtain a certificate of appreciation from the Medical Surgical Nursing Department as a distinguished faculty member.Arbitrator in the International Journal of International Journal of Education and Practice
The study' purpose was to determine the effect of perioperative protocol of care on clinical outcomes among patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft. Subjects: A sample of 100 adult patients who were planned for coronary artery bypass graft ,were selected and divided alternatively and randomly into two equal groups (50 study -50 control).The study was carried out at National heart Institute in Cairo and open heart surgical intensive care unit in Shebin El-Kom Teaching Hospital.
Instruments: Four instruments were used for data collection: Interviewing questionnaire, dyspnea analogue scale, Biophysiological measurement instrument and Compliance assessment sheet. Results: There were statistical significant differences between both groups regarding most respiratory system assessment findings at discharge. More than two thirds of the study group of the current study had continuous and regular commitment to diet regimen which ranked the first followed by compliance of daily living activities then quitting smoking.
Conclusions: The perioperative protocol of care has a significant improving effect on respiratory findings, dyspnea degree, duration of mechanical ventilation, length of hospital stay, compliance to diet ,therapeutic regimen, daily living activities and quit smoking among study group undergoing CABG.
Recommendations: Perioperative protocol of care should be carried out for CABG patients at open heart surgical units as well as an illustrative colored booklet about CAD, CABG and perioperative care should be available and distributed to all CABG patients.
Dr. Abdullah Khamaiseh has completed his PhD at the age of 43 years from Alxanderia University School of nursing. He is the acting dean of school of nursing in Mutah University. He has published more than 10 papers in reputed journals.
Purpose: was to examine the knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes of primary school teachers about ADHD in the north region of Jordan and describe the relationship between their knowledge and attitude towards children with ADHD.
Design and methods: A cross-sectional correlation study was utilized in order to address the study’s purposes. Data were collected using self-reported questionnaires from primary school teachers working in governmental and private primary in north Jordan. The study was conducted during the period between February 2017 and June 2017.
Findings: The findings indicated that the majority of the respondents had negative perceptions about ADHD concerning the knowledge, causes, treatment and diagnosis, this contributed to the negative perceptions revealed by the majority of the sample toward children with ADHD. The lack of professional training programs and education about children’s behavioral problems mainly ADHD for primary school teachers have contributed to these results.
Practice implications: Policies and legislations addressing children with ADHD should be implemented, and teachers should be trained on using such policies to meet the needs of children with ADHD.