Manal E. Fareed
Menoufia University, Egypt
Title: Effect of perioperative protocol of care on clinical outcomes among patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft
Biography: Manal E. Fareed
The study' purpose was to determine the effect of perioperative protocol of care on clinical outcomes among patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft. Subjects: A sample of 100 adult patients who were planned for coronary artery bypass graft ,were selected and divided alternatively and randomly into two equal groups (50 study -50 control).The study was carried out at National heart Institute in Cairo and open heart surgical intensive care unit in Shebin El-Kom Teaching Hospital.
Instruments: Four instruments were used for data collection: Interviewing questionnaire, dyspnea analogue scale, Biophysiological measurement instrument and Compliance assessment sheet. Results: There were statistical significant differences between both groups regarding most respiratory system assessment findings at discharge. More than two thirds of the study group of the current study had continuous and regular commitment to diet regimen which ranked the first followed by compliance of daily living activities then quitting smoking.
Conclusions: The perioperative protocol of care has a significant improving effect on respiratory findings, dyspnea degree, duration of mechanical ventilation, length of hospital stay, compliance to diet ,therapeutic regimen, daily living activities and quit smoking among study group undergoing CABG.
Recommendations: Perioperative protocol of care should be carried out for CABG patients at open heart surgical units as well as an illustrative colored booklet about CAD, CABG and perioperative care should be available and distributed to all CABG patients.